has grown to the world of spiritual development with her challenging
gifts. As her life progressed into her career as a spiritual medium,
author, and lecturer, over the last six years, she has helped many
people to heal from their pain and grief from the loss of a loved
one. She has the remarkable gift to predict future events and guide
the world to their own spiritual growth in their lives.
Cheryl has
developed her own abilities through many spiritual experiences which
made her realize that she had many talents to show others that they
can heal their own lives and connect with their loved ones, angels and
guides. She is committed to God and works with his grace to let the
world know through her “messages of love and light,” which offer
evidence that our loved ones are always with us.
Her newest book
“Angel’s Horizon’s Inspirational Words From Heaven” was
released in December 2001. Cheryl has worked with her angels through
automatic writing to send the world beautiful messages. This book also
has helped many others to write with their angels, loved ones, and
Born and raised
in Kansas, Cheryl has demonstrated her psychic abilities from an early
age of five, and was inspired by many in her family. Cheryl had many
special moments with her imaginary friends which she learned at the
age of 13 that they were loved ones who communicated with her during
the age of five. She explains that her loved ones were always there
for her, played with her, prayed with her, and always gave her the
answers to her tests and quizzes in school.
Her first
encounter with her angels happened in 1996, where she decided to take
her first drive in her car after recovering from major lung surgery.
Cheryl went into a bagel store to purchase her breakfast. She had
tripped on a carpet, which caused her to lose her balance and fall.
Out of nowhere, She felt a presence lift her up from falling. This is
just one of her experiences which changed her life to grow and
strengthen her belief in God and her angels.
Cheryl is now working privately through her home and
teaching others to grow with their own intuitive gifts through
lectures, workshops, and private readings. She is working on
completing another book called Conversations with the Other Side and a
CD, which will have a series of Meditations for the world to heal and
expand on their own spiritual journey.
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